Confidence is contagious

As I sit here on our balcony overlooking the beach, listing to the waves and laughing at  kids flopping around in the water… I am thinking about two things.

  1. I am pretty sure I am looking like a lobster after today’s beach bum
  2. Confidence is contagious at the beach

Recently I posted a picture on my Instagram of me in a bathing suit and captioned it with “How to have a beach body 1. Have a body 2. Go to the beach” (See the post here) When I posted that I received some comments and messages from girls either saying how confident I looked or that they wished they were as confident. That got me thinking and really spending the next couple of days here on the beach watching the people around me. I came to the conclusion about three things.

  1. I really need to learn how to apply sunscreen
  2. I am more confident on the beach when I see other women being confident
  3. People truly do not pay attention to other people

Let me dive into that a little bit! When we are willing to step out and make a decision in confidence about how we dress, what we do with our hair and makeup and what swimsuit we rock on the beach, whether we know it or not, it gives the women around us a sense of confidence to let go of those things as well! That is why social media can be such a powerful platform. As much as we may not love to admit it, we do look for some other women who have done what we are thinking about to give us that extra push to do it ourselves!

When we share those photo’s of us rocking that swimsuit a little out of our comfort zone, or talk about how we overcame the feeling of comparison in our weight or shed the belief that everyone should look a certain way, we give the power to those around us, even if we don’t know it, to do the same! It is a powerful thing!

Lastly, more often then not, the moments I am feeling the most self-conscience or nervous are the moments that rarely anyone is paying attention to me. Especially at the beach. As I took off my coverup that first day on the beach I was worried about what my stretch marks, extra tummy fluff or broken out skin looked like. I looked around and absolutely NO ONE was looking at me. Everyone was living their best life just laughing together, playing in the water or doing literally anything else other than noticing me.

As we played frisbee and I was worried about my body possibly jiggling, not a single person was watching. And if they might have been, I realized (for the 293557 times in my life) that that is not the purpose of my life. I am here to be basking in the sun and salt water, with my hot af husband and just live.

So in conclusion of my beachy thoughts today, I want you to remember that your confidence is contagious and worth sharing and live like no-one is watching, because they probably aren’t!




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